GBC is a leading after-death care organization focused on Green Burial in North America. "Bringing meaning and sustainability to end of life."
The following information is taken from one of the information resources Green Burial Council offers as a free printable rack card.
Natural Burial:
- reduces carbon footprint and contributes to the natural ecocycle
- occupies lands with intrinsic ecological quality and meaningful social value
- may be located in municipal or religious cemeteries, independently, or on land under conservation easement
- encourages the use of biodegradable caskets, shrouds, urns, often made with local resources by local craftspeople
- does not allow toxic embalming fluids, vaults, herbicides or pesticides
- may install art, benches, native plants, or markers made of natural materials, such as native field stone or none at all
- may provide teaching and research opportunities
- may protect and restore wildlife habitat, and integrate sustainable native plant communities
- may create recreational, cultural and spiritual gathering venues and opportunities that are life-affirming
Natural burial occurs when full bodies are interred in the ground in an eco-friendly coffin or shroud. Families can participate in many or all aspects of the funeral, including filling the grave after any kind of service or gathering.
Some top defining characteristics of any green burial:
- absence of a vault
- non-toxic preparation of the body
- use of biodegradable containers
- participation by family and friends in celebrations and remembrances that are authentic and resonant
Natural burials provide families with a rich, meaningful, and healing experience while furthering legitimate environmental aims such as protecting worker health, reducing carbon emissions, conserving natural resources, and preserving native habitat.
Join those who are planning for a more environmentally responsible disposition of their bodies. Whether or not you have aspired to live a life practicing earth stewardship, you may wish for a gentle, simple option that meets your own and your family’s needs and goals.
Learn more about bringing natural burial options to your community:
Locally you will find us at
Cariboo Natural Burial Sanctuary
and on Facebook @cariboonaturalburialsanctuary